Collective Sanitation (Centralised waste water treatment)

Collective sanitation is our original sector of activity and still our main field. We have experience with hundreds of 100 to 6000 PE installations and dozens of pioneer treatment plants, the jewels of the reed filter bed process in France and elsewhere throughout the world. We are the national leader in this sector and the most committed to furthering research and development.

Les solutions techniques proposées :

A few of our installations, presented in chronological order of construction:


The Roussillon treatment plant in the french department of Vaucluse, hidden at the foot of the famous ochre cliffs that made this village famous, was our first major achievement (1250 PE) and the beginning of the national market for the process in France using the vertical 2-stage configuration recommended by Cemagref. The unit has been operating well without any surprise since 1999. The quality at the outlet is considerably better than required by the mandatory regulations, and the operating costs are lower than expected. The first sludge removal operation has been made achieved in 2011.(Compte rendu de l'ARPE sur ce curage )

Fiche réalisation de Roussillon



The Nègrepelisse wastewater treatment plant in the french department of Tarn-et-Garonne is one of the biggest constructed wetland in France (the biggest in 2008 when it was built) and one of the most effective as far as the outlet water quality is concerned. It has contributed to expanding the field of application of the process considerably. Previously the process had been limited to 2000 PE. This plant optimizes all the strong points of the process, i.e. simplicity, easy to expand, fits in with the landscape, lower construction and operating costs. The existing lagoons have been integrated into the project. In the summer they are used to improve the outflow during period of low waters when the receiving waterways are more vulnerable.

Lien vers un reportage de France Sud :

Fiche réalisation de Nègrepelisse

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 Bélarga et Campagnan

The Bélarga and Campagnan treatment plant in the french department of Hérault took the process over the 2000 PE line in a one-stage recirculating installation that previously had only been used for 100 PE. The assets of reed bed filter have been enhanced in this plant with a minimized footprint, lower installation and operating costs, easy to maintain and to increase its treatment capacity, etc.

Fiche réalisation de Belarga-Campagnan

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Bois d'Opale II « Guyane »

Cette station d’épuration a une capacité de 480 EH.

C’est un procédé Phragmifiltre® constitué d’un étage recirculé par poste de relevage.

Container 40 pour la Guyane 138 157Le dimensionnement est spécifique et a été adapté au climat tropical.

Une équipe de 2 personnes d’Epur Nature a réalisé la mise en place de la partie technique du procédé Phragmifiltre® : l’étanchéité, le remplissage des bassins, l’armoire électrique, la partie électromécanique...

Les fournitures et matériels nécessaires à la construction de la station d’épuration, ont été expédiés par containers par notre service logistique.

Les granulats utilisés pour la construction de la station d’épuration ont tout d’abord été échantillonnés, contrôlés et validés par notre service Qualité. Ils proviennent de Guyane et c’est l’entreprise locale de Travaux Publics qui s’est chargée du remplissage des bassins avec le contrôle et suivi de notre équipe dépêchée sur place.