On-site sanitation (ANC) is for individuals. It is subject to special regulations based in France on a 2009 government order that introduces an approval system for installations serving up to 20 PE.AutoEpure®, is an Epur Nature product that meets the special needs of the market for individual on-site sanitation (health risks, easy operating methods). This solution was the first to be approved by the french authorities.

We operate in this sector through a partnership with Cultisol
This company gets exclusivity for AutoEpure® distribution through its INNOVEA environnement members network.
Solution technique proposée
TEL : 02 99 85 46 99
Examples of installations
- Septic tanks adjacent to a vertical filter, 20 PE at Savigny (69)
- AutoEpure® 5 PE at Bibost (69)Steps of AutoEpure®
Experience with the AutoEpure® process for the design phase, some references
- Reed bed filter with two compartments to treat wastewater from two apartments and a rural inn, on a vertical filter for 5-10 PE in Rabastens, french departement of Tarn. Installation built in 2008.
- AutoEpure solution with a combined vertical and horizontal reed bed filter for 7 PE in Rabastens, french departement of Tarn. Installation built in 2008.